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Wellness A.I Assistant

Guided healthcare or wellness support is only a few clicks away.

Welcome to the first steps on "A Better You".

We will guide you through our wellness questions to get you the best match support & services.


How are you feeling

Personal health

Personal fitness


Personal finances

Helping you asses the outcomes

Identify the emotions or feelings that best match

All answers will be part of your LUMA Personal Journal and for you to share with any Wellness support or assistance specialists you choose.


Select any or all that apply

What would you wish to improve on

Choose as many as you wish or add a statement

Types of Support

What type of Hep or Support would you prefer

Anything else that comes to mind

Select any that apply

Thank you for your time in answering these questions about you. For reference these will be saved to your Personal Wellness Journey.

We will submit these responses you provided to our Wellness AI Assistant and in just a few short moments we will show you a set of actions to take based on your inputs.

The journey to a Better you starts here.

Why use

LUMAAI Guided Healthcare Assistant

Get the help and support you need.

LUMA AI Healthcare Assistant

Describe the symptoms and allow our Health Assistant AI to get you to the most likely Specialist who can help. 

Faster access to specialists who are on-call or in your local area.

Reduce the anxiety of wait times or giving up on getting essential healthcare services that can help you.

LUMA AI Wellness Assistant

Personal Wellness Journal & Resources App to help you be the best version of you.

Our Wellness AI can guide you through a number of simple questions designed to determine how you are feeling, what outcomes you would wish for and expertrly guide you to resources and wellness consultations that can support you the best.
Our AI Assistant also provides you with an App that will detail your progress and have a personalized WELLNESS JOURNAL that can change what types of consultation you progress with. Also linked to external resources for self-improvement, additional reading, blogs and communities to help you feel the best version of you.

Another Benefit of LUMAAI

Community Support

More to follow re: Resources and Community Support of others like you.
Groups, Meet-up's, Podcasts. A whole host of resources to help and support.

Visit our Knowledge Center

Here to support you every step of the way.


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Simple. Easy.  Healthy.

Here to support you every step of the way.


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